About Us

Organization overview

YBI is a Youth Builders International inc, company which through a yearly symposium, seeks to inspire youth to believe in themselves, and make integrity-based choices. It also has a scholarship, education assistance program and a grocery and meal distribution initiative.



  • To foster in youth self esteem and a sense of their potential for greatness.
  • To empower youth through educational funding to make meaningful valuable contribution to the advancement of society.
  • To bring financial aid and relief to families in crises through grocery and meal distribution.


  • To gift two bags of grocery to 25 families once per quarter (or month) or $100.00 grocery gift certificate to 10-25 families once per quarter (or month)
  • To award scholarships to 5-10 students once per year by December, 2023.
  • To host complete motivational seminars for 1000 youth once per year to include renown speakers, entertainers, and meals for all participants.

YBI is a non-profit company which through a yearly symposium, seeks to inspire youth to believe in themselves.


10 Bailou Hill Heights Nassau, Bahamas


With enthusiastic volunteers we are ready to answer your questions.

© Copyright 2021 by YBI (Youth Builders International Inc.)

Designed & Developed By Efsolit Technology.